
If a task is waiting on resource type MBCB_xxx, with a resource name equal to the intrapartition queue name, this indicates contention for a transient data I/O buffer. It should not be an extended wait, although it is dependent on VSAM I/O taking place on behalf of another task that has issued a transient data request. If that, for any reason, takes a long time, the wait on resource type MBCB_xxx is correspondingly long. (For descriptions of the waits that might occur during transient data VSAM I/O processing, see Any_MRCB and MRCB_xxx.)

The reason for this type of wait is best illustrated by example, as follows:

1. Task #1 issues a transient data request that requires access to an intrapartition queue. Before the request can be serviced, task #1 must be assigned a transient data I/O buffer that is not currently being used by any other task.

I/O buffers each contain a copy of a control interval (CI) from a data set. Each CI contains records that correspond to elements in an intrapartition queue. A search is made to see if the CI required for task #1 is already in one of the I/O buffers. If it is, that I/O buffer can be used to service the request made by task #1, and no VSAM I/O is involved. If it is not, task #1 is allocated any buffer, so the required CI can be read in. The current contents of the buffer is overwritten.

An I/O buffer can have a R/O (read only) status or a R/W (read/write) status. If the buffer that is allocated to task #1 has R/W status, it contains a copy of a CI that has been updated by some other task, but not yet written back to the data set. Before the buffer can be used by task #1, the CI it contains must be preserved by writing it back to the data set.

2. A request now arrives from task #2, and the request requires the CI that is currently being written to the data set. No two buffers can contain the same CI, so task #2 is made to wait on resource type MRCB_xxx until the outcome of the VSAM I/O is known.

If VSAM I/O was successful, task #2 is resumed and assigned some other I/O buffer.

If VSAM I/O was unsuccessful, task #2 can use the I/O buffer that already contains the CI it needs.