
The ISPW Deployments web interface is used to view and manage the deployment process for Requests in ISPW.

To access the Deployments page, click ISPW on the Compuware products menu, then click Deployments. The contents of the Deployment Sets table appear, listing the current sets which contain deployments. Clicking on a Set ID takes you to the Deployment Requests table. Here you can find the current deployment requests within the set you clicked on. The Deployment Packages and Deployment Items tables are found within the two tabs adjacent to the Requests tab.

This topic includes the following sections:

  • Deployment Sets Table

  • Deployment Requests Table

  • Deployment Packages Table

  • Deployment Items Table

  • Working with Visualizations.

For each table, the following functions are available:

  • Show/Hide Columns: To show or hide specific columns for a table, click . A dialog appears where you can toggle each column on and off for the current table. By toggling on Show all columns, all columns that were off will automatically be toggled on. If you toggle off a column, the Show all columns toggle will be set to off. The column visibility state will persist across page and browser refreshes. It will not, however, persist across different browsers, devices, or URLs.

  • Refresh: To refresh the contents of a table, click .

  • Export: To export a table, click . You are then presented with multiple options. You can mouse over each icon to find out what it does:

    • Copy to Clipboard: To copy, click .
    • Export as CSV: To export as CSV, click .
    • Export as Excel file: To export as an Excel file, click .
    • Export as PDF: To export as a PDF file, click .
    • Print: To print, click .
  • Set Filters: To filter the contents of the Tasks table, click , then enter the value you want to filter by. You are given the option to filter everything in the table or select specific columns to filter on. If you filter by a specific column, you are able to persist these filters by clicking the plus in the filter bar. Your search query will appear as a "pill"  below the toolbar. Only items containing this value will be displayed. To clear a single filter, click the x icon on the "pill". To clear the filter input field, click .

Deployment Sets Table

The Deployments Sets table contains a list of all Sets that include deployments in the ISPW system.

The columns on the Deployment Sets table include:

  • Set ID: ISPW Set that a Deployment Request was created for

  • Stream: Defines the level structure and other rules about the application definition

  • Release ID: Unique ID that identifies a Release

  • Level: Stage of the life-cycle

  • Description: The description of the Set

  • Create Date/Time: Date/Time that the Set was created

  • Start Date/Time: Date/Time that the Set was started.

The columns can be reordered by dragging a column heading to the left or right. Click a column heading to sort the list of Sets based on the values in that column. Click again to reverse the sort order.

Deployment Requests Table

The Deployment Requests table contains a list of all the Deployment Requests in the ISPW system. To open, click on a Set ID in the Deployments Sets table.

The columns on the Deployment Requests table include:

  • Message: indicates available messages

  • Request ID: Unique ID that identifies a Request

  • Status: Overall Status of the Request

  • Environment: Deployment Environment

  • Description: Taken from the Set Description

  • Create Date/Time: Date/Time that the Request was created

  • Start Date/Time: Date/Time that the request was started.

The following actions are available on a selected Request:

  • Cancel: To cancel a specific Deployment Request, select one from the table and click .

  • Restart: To restart a specific Deployment Request, select one from the table and click .

  • Terminate: To terminate a specific Deployment Request, select one from the table and click .

The columns can be reordered by dragging a column heading to the left or right. Click a column heading to sort the list of Requests based on the values in that column. Click again to reverse the sort order.

Deployment Packages Table

To open the Deployment Packages table, select a Request then click the Packages tab. The Deployment Packages table contains a list of all the Packages within the selected Request.

The columns on the Deployment Packages table include:

  • Package ID: Unique ID that identifies a Package

  • Sub Environment: Deployment Sub-environment

  • System: Target System

  • Category: Deploy Category

  • Status: The Logical Package status is derived from the individual Physical Package statuses

  • Start Date: Date and Time that the Package began deployment

  • End Date: Date and Time that the Package successfully ended deployment

  • Implementation Date: Date/Time that the Deployment Implementation is to begin

  • Active Date: Date/Time that the Deployment Activation (if any is defined) is to begin.

A graphical representation of the selected Request is available by clicking next to Visualizations. See Working with Visualizations below for more information.

The following action is available on a selected Package:

  • Fail Package: To fail the selected Package, click .

The columns can be reordered by dragging a column heading to the left or right. Click a column heading to sort the list of Packages based on the values in that column. Click again to reverse the sort order.

Deployment Items Table

Open the Deployment Packages table as described above. Then, to open the Deployment Items table, select a Package and select the Items tab.

The Deployment Items table contains a list of one or more Items within the selected Package.

The columns on the Deployment Items table include:

  • Item: Unique ID that identifies a Part within a Package

  • Part: The Part Number being deployed

  • Name: The Part Name being deployed

  • Deployment Type: Deploy Category

  • Application: ISPW Application

  • Type: Part Type

  • Class: Part Class

  • Action: ISPW Action (for example, “D” for Delete, “F” for Fallback)

  • System: Target System

  • Status: There is a “Logical Item Status” which is the status on the same line as the ItemID. This is an overall status derived from the individual “Physical Item Status” that is listed against each Target System.

  • Storage: This is the Dataset Name/HFS Path that the Part is to be deployed to.

The columns can be reordered by dragging a column heading to the left or right. Click a column heading to sort the list of Items based on the values in that column. Click again to reverse the sort order.

Working with Visualizations

The ISPW Deployments web interface features advanced visualization capabilities not available in other ISPW interfaces. To view a visualization for a selected Request, click next to Visualization to display the Request and its component Packages and Items. Click again to close the visualization.

Note: The current visualization persists until another visualization is requested.

Visualization Nodes

Nodes representing the Set, Requests, Packages, and Items are shown as rectangular boxes. The Set node appears at the top of the visualization, and one or more system groupings, each containing Requests, Package, and Item nodes, are presented below it. Each system grouping is labeled at the top with the system name.

Clicking a node synchronizes the selection on the corresponding tables below, as long as they are opened:

  • Click a Request node to display the Deployment Requests table with the corresponding Request entry selected.

  • Click a Package node to display the Deployment Packages table with the corresponding Package entry selected.

  • Click an Item node to display the Deployment Items table with the list of items in the parent package.

Each node includes information about the Request, Package, or Item it represents. When a Request or Package node is selected, additional information is presented in a tooltip.

Nodes can have an icon near the top representing the status of the corresponding Request, Package, or Item:

  • indicates a completed Request.

  • indicates a failed Request, Package, or Item.

  • indicates available messages for a Request.

Visualization Navigation

The visualization includes four navigation elements: a thumbnail view in the lower right and a pan control, fit-to-screen button, and zoom slider in the upper left.

  • (pan control) can be clicked to move the visualization up and down or left and right.

  • (fit-to-screen button) can be clicked to resize the visualization to fit in the available viewing area.

  • (zoom in button) can be clicked to make the visualization larger.

  • (zoom out button) can be click to make the visualization smaller.

  • (zoom slider) can be dragged up or down to make the visualization larger or smaller.

  • In the thumbnail view, drag the blue tinted rectangle to position the visualization to the desired area.