ADABAS Caller's DB CPU Usage

The ADABAS Callers' DB CPU Usage report shows the percentage of total CPU activity consumed by each caller of ADABAS services.

Report details

This report contains any or all of the following columns, based on your selections in the Select Items to View dialog box:

  • Caller shows the name of a caller of ADABAS services. Callers are identified:

  • for a batch job, by the job name

  • for a TSO region, by the TSO user ID

  • for a CICS region, by the logical terminal name.

Overhead activity in an ADABAS region is attributed to the pseudo-section .ADABAS.

  • Description is a short description of the function of the transaction or pseudo-transaction. Function descriptions appear for all Strobe pseudo-transactions and for transactions with descriptions supplied by the system programmer.

  • CPU % Total shows activity with or without any concurrent I/O activity.

Click next to the Caller to view additional detail:

  • Module or Pseudo-module is the name of the active module or pseudo-module.

Note: For all module or section names that exceed eight characters, Strobe generates a token, which is an eight-byte identifier. The token comprises the first four characters of the module or section name followed by a hyphen (-) and then the last three characters of the name. Refer to the Token Long Name Cross Reference report to reconcile all tokens with their long names

  • Description is a description of the module or pseudo-module. Descriptions appear for all Strobe pseudo-modules and for modules with descriptions supplied by the system programmer.

  • CPU % Total shows activity with or without any concurrent I/O activity.

Click next to the Module or Pseudo-module to view additional detail:

  • Section is the name of the active section.

Note: For all module or section names that exceed eight characters, Strobe generates a token, which is an eight-byte identifier. The token comprises the first four characters of the module or section name followed by a hyphen (-) and then the last three characters of the name. Refer to the Token Long Name Cross Reference report to reconcile all tokens with their long names

  • Description is a description of the section.

  • CPU % Total shows activity with or without any concurrent I/O activity.

Analysis tips

  • Click an underlined module name to see an expanded description and performance improvement hints.

  • If high CPU execution within this transaction or ADABAS region was caused by library routines, SVC activity, or system routines (Db2, CICS, and so on), refer to the Attribution of CPU Usage report to determine what invoked this activity.

  • If a specific module is responsible for high CPU use within a transaction, refer to the Program CPU Usage report to identify the procedures or offsets within that module that are using the CPU.