Event Conditions

The reason for setting conditions is to filter your event data. A condition is a logical statement used to determine whether action needs to be taken for this event. Each condition follows the logical rule:

If the Value of the Field meets the Condition specified by the Operator, then the condition is true. Otherwise, it is false.

Specify Basic Rule Conditions

  1. From the Rule Editor dialog box, click Add Condition to add a condition.

  2. Name the Rule in the Rule Name field.

  3. Select a field name from the Field drop-down list.

  4. Select an operator from the Operator drop-down list.

  5. In the Value field, type a value.

    Note iconNote: If you selected daysofweek in the Operator drop-down list, you may enter more than one day in the Value field by typing the days separated by a comma. You must use lower-case letters to spell out the days of the week.

  6. Click New Condition to add another condition. Keep adding conditions until you have added all of the necessary conditions for this rule.

  7. If you have multiple conditions, in the And/Or field select And or Or based on how you want your conditions joined.

  8. Click OK to save your changes.

See Also

Rules Overview

Event Rule

Event Actions

Event Thresholds