ADS/O Dialog CPU Usage

The ADS/O Dialog CPU Usage report shows the distribution of CPU activity among the dialogs that invoked system service routines during the measurement session.

Dialogs are identified by their name, version number, and the dictionary name and dictionary node from which they were called. The execution count gives the number of times that the dialog actually executed. The CPU time given is based on Strobe sampling and is not directly related to the execution count.

When two or more active dialogs have the same name and version number and were called from the same dictionary name and dictionary node but were created at different dates and times, the report distinguishes between them by appending a hyphen and an instance number to the name of the second through hundredth instance. When there is more than one instance of a dialog executing, the total execution count will not be given at the first instance of the dialog. (If a dialog has an instance number, that dialog probably exists in more than one dictionary.)

Report details

  • Dialog shows the name and version number of the active dialog and its instance number, if any.

  • Version shows the name and version number of the active dialog and its instance number, if any.

  • Dictionary name shows the name of the dictionary from which the dialog was called.

  • Dictionary node shows the node of the dictionary from which the dialog was called.

  • Execution count shows the number of times Strobe observed the transaction executing during the measurement session. Execution Count displays only when you measured a CA-IDMS or IMS application.

  • Creation date/time shows the date and time at which the dialog was generated.

  • CPU % Total shows the percentage of CPU time spent in the dialog as a percentage of all CPU time used by dialogs executed in the measured job step.

Click next to Dialog to view additional detail:

  • Process shows the name of the active process and its instance number, if any.

  • Version shows the version number of the active process.

  • Execution count shows the number of times Strobe observed the process module executing during the measurement session. Execution Count displays only when you measured a CA-IDMS or IMS application.

  • Average service time column displays the average wall clock time for the transaction's duration, expressed in seconds. This information appears only when you measured a CA-IDMS or IMS application.

  • CPU % Total shows the percentage of CPU time spent in the process as a percentage of all CPU time used by dialogs executed in the measured job step.

Click next to the Process to view additional detail:

  • If diagnostic tables were requested when the dialog was generated, Statement number shows the statement number. If the line is part of an INCLUDEd code section, then iStrobe appends to the statement number an asterisk (*) and an occurrence number that signifies the unique occurrence of the INCLUDEd code. The occurrence number refers to the order of appearance in the dialog process of an INCLUDEd code block in which the statement number is contained. For example, the statement number 2000*1 refers to the statement number 2000 in the first INCLUDE code block occurrence in the process. If the same code block is INCLUDEd multiple times in the same process, the code block's occurrence number would be 1. If diagnostic tables were not available, then iStrobe displays the ADS/O FDB command (CME) offset.

The statement numbers in this report match those in the listing produced by the Strobe CA-IDMS Indexer. This Indexer listing contains the statement number and complete text of every ADS/O statement that appears in a dialog.

  • If the dialog was indexed, Statement Text contains the dialog's statement text. Otherwise, the field is blank.

  • CPU % Total shows the percentage of CPU time spent in the statement as a percentage of all CPU time used by dialogs executed in the measured job step.