Print a Report

There are several different ways you can print from the Fault Analytics Viewer. You can print a report from the selection of Management Reports and you can print your current screen layout.

Print a Report

To print a report from your selection,

  1. Click the Print Report icon (Print Report icon).

  2. The Print Report dialog box appears. On this dialog box you can select a print format: HTML or PDF. If you select PDF, you can specify actual size, fit to page width, or fit to whole page. You can print the entire report or type specified pages to print.

For more information about reports see Using Management Reports.

Print the Current Screen Layout

To print your current screen layout, use the menu or print icon of your browser. This allows you to print the currently displayed screen. This is basically taking a screen shot of the Internet Explorer web page. It will show the Navigation pane and the currently open dialog box. Depending on the size of the dialog box and whether you have your printer set for portrait or landscape printing, the dialog box may be truncated.

See Also

Navigating the Web Interface

Introduction to Management Reports