Coupling Facility

The Coupling Facility report provides a summary of coupling facility use for the entire system during the measurement session. The coupling facility activity shown on this report is independent of the Strobe measurement and is not directly related to activity in the measured program. The report is not based upon Strobe sampling data, and it reflects coupling facility use for the entire system. All statistics on this report apply to system-wide coupling facility activity.

Report details

  • Name identifies the name of the coupling facility being reported.

  • Successful Requests shows both the number of successful coupling facility requests made to the coupling facility as well as the average elapsed time (in microseconds) per request to the coupling facility.

  • Failed Requests shows both the number of failed coupling facility requests made to the coupling facility as well as the average elapsed time (in microseconds) per request to the coupling facility.

  • Subchannel Contentions shows both the number of times a coupling facility request had to wait to be serviced because all subchannels for the coupling facility were busy as well as the average elapsed time (in seconds) that a coupling facility request was in a wait state because all subchannels for the coupling facility were busy.

  • CF Processor Utilization shows the percent of time that the processor for the coupling facility was active during the measurement session.

Note: Error appears when data for a coupling facility is known to be erroneous.