If a task is waiting on resource type FCRDWAIT, it is waiting for completion of the drain of the RLS control ACB following an SMSVSAM server failure. DFHFCRD is the module that performs the drain. When the SMSVSAM server fails, CICS must drain all RLS processing, which involves:

  • Disabling further RLS access

  • Preventing existing tasks from issuing further RLS requests after the server becomes available again

  • Closing all ACBs that are open in RLS mode

If a system task is waiting on this resource, it means that it is waiting to perform a dynamic RLS restart to re-establish access to a restarted (new) SMSVSAM server. CICS access to the failed server must be drained before CICS can register with the new server.

If a user task is waiting on this resource, it means that it is waiting in backout processing for a drain to complete before checking whether the file being backed out is open, because drain affects the open state of the file.

The drain is carried out by the system task CSFR. This should normally complete without problems, although it may take some time if there is a large number of files to be closed. If a task is waiting on FCRDWAIT for a considerable length of time, you should check whether the CSFR task is itself in a wait and therefore failing to complete.