IEAVXSTK is invoked in any cross memory call such as SQL API Logical Log requests. A cross memory call is necessary when one MVS address space needs to execute code in another address space. DB2 and IMS applications use cross memory services to run code in the database address space for most database operations.


High CPU in IEAVXSTK is often associated with DB2 processing. The DSNTIPJ install panel's IRLM lock manager option (CROSS MEMORY=NO and CROSS MEMORY=YES) is the DSNZPARM option that allows you to select PC=NO/YES. This setting affects CPU time attributed to IEAVSTK.

PC=NO results in the reduction of CPU usage to IEAVXSTK. This method puts the IRLM locks in ECSA, requiring more virtual storage for ECSA and reducing the size of the private address spaces, but requires less processor time.

PC=YES causes the IRLM locks to be in the private area of the IRLM address space. The benefit of this method is a reduced requirement for ECSA storage. This method causes increased cross-memory activity and CPU use to IEAVXSTK.

Reference Sources

IBM APAR II06483. Q592927.

IBM Database 2 Version 2, Administration Guide, Volume III, Release 3, SC26- 4374-02, March 1992.