In CICS 2.1 through CICS 4.1, DFHPCP is the CICS program control program that controls the execution of all programs defined to CICS. It handles all requests to LOAD, LINK, XCR to, and RETURN from, application programs.

DFHPCP also provides ABEND services. When the CICS system is under stress, DFHPCP may delete unused applications from dynamic storage.

In CICS 4.1, although DFHPCP still exists and can be invoked by CICS internal modules, many of the functions provided by DFHPCP have been moved to the Program Manager Domain. As a result, you should see less CPU time spent in DFHPCP in CICS releases 4.1 and higher.


In CICS version 3.2 more CPU may be used by DFHPCP than in previous releases. The LOAD(PROGRAM) function will load a program from the CICS DFHRPL concatenation library into main storage. Adding the HOLD option will specify that the loaded program, table, or map is not to be deleted (if still resident) when the task issuing the LOAD command is terminated. If the HOLD is omitted, the program, table, or map remains in main storage only until the task that issued the load terminates or issues a RELEASE command.

Omitting the HOLD option may reduce CPU time.

Reference Sources

CICS/ESA Version 3.1.1, Application Programmer's Reference, SC33-0676.

CICS/ESA Version 3.1.1, Diagnosis Reference, LC33-0105.

CICS/ESA Version 3.1.2, Diagnosis Reference, LY33-6072.

CICS/ESA Version 4.1, Diagnosis Reference, LY33-6082.