SRB/Enclave Activity Report


Report details

SRB tab

The SRB Activity report displays the percentage of CPU time that an SRB (preemptible SRBs and non-preemptible) was seen executing in the measured address space during the measurement period ordered by percentage of CPU time.

  • Job Name is the job name that created this SRB.

  • Type is the type of SRB that was created. For a preemptible SRBs, values can be: preemptible (for an SRB that is not also a client of enclave SRB), client, or enclave.  For non-preemptible SRBs, values can be: non-preemptible (for an SRB that is not also a managed or full-xm SRB), managed, or full-xm.

  • Processor is the type of processor that this SRB executed on. Values can be: ZIIP, CP, or ZAAP.

  • Load Address is the address of the rightmost 4 bytes of the PSW displayed in hexadecimal when this SRB was created.

  • CPU % is the percentage of CPU time seen executing this SRB as a percentage of all SRB execution seen during measurement in the measured address space.

Export Icon allows you to export to the following formats:
- Copy to Clipboard
- MS Excel
- Print

Filter Icon supplies a value and acts as a filter used for data on the table.

Enclave tab

The Enclave Activity report displays the percentage of CPU time that an enclave was seen executing on each system during the measurement period. This report contains 2 views one at the aggregated values by ASID. This detailed view shows the data at the token and address level.


The Enclave upper table view will show the summary at the ASID level. There is a filter specific for ASID that will be prefilled if the measured address space contains an entry. Otherwise the filter will be empty and it will display all the captured Enclaves. This section can be collapsed using the accordion icon to the left of the table heading.

  • Job Name This field will display if the enclave is part of the Independent Enclave or Dependent Enclave section, respectively. As such, this field shows either the Anchor Jobname which created the enclave, or the Owner Jobname that owns this Enclave.

  • ASID This field will display if the enclave is part of the Independent Enclave or Dependent Enclave section, respectively. Displayed in hexadecimal notation, this fields shows either the Anchor ASID which created the enclave, or the Owner ASID that owns this Enclave.

  • System The name of the system where this enclave was created.

  •  ZIIP CPU% shows the percentage of time that the enclave was seen executing on a ZIIP processor.

  •  General CPU% shows the time that the enclave was seen executing on a general purpose processor.

  •  Total CPU% shows the sum of ZIIP and general time.

Export Icon allows you to export to the following formats:
- Copy to Clipboard
- MS Excel
- Print

Filter Icon supplies a value and acts as a filter used for data on the table.

Enclave Detail

The Enclave Detail lower table view will show the detail for a selected ASID. When the measured address space matching an entry it will have the ASID filter prefilled the row is highlighted and display the detailed data. When the ASID filter is not prefilled the user needs to select a row in the "Enclave" and then the detailed data will appear for that ASID.

  • Job Name This field will display if the enclave is part of the Independent Enclave or Dependent Enclave section, respectively. As such, this field shows either the Anchor Jobname which created the enclave, or the Owner Job Name that owns this Enclave.

  • ASID This field will display if the enclave is part of the Independent Enclave or Dependent Enclave section, respectively. Displayed in hexadecimal notation, this fields shows either the Anchor ASID which created the enclave, or the Owner ASID that owns this Enclave.

  • System The name of the system where this enclave was created.

  • Token A unique token, displayed in hexadecimal, that was supplied by the system for this enclave.

  • Owner Job Name This field will display if the enclave is part of the Independent Enclave or Dependent Enclave section, respectively. As such, this field shows either the Anchor Jobname which created the enclave, or the Owner Job Name that owns this Enclave.

  •  ZIIP shows the percentage of time that the enclave was seen executing on a ZIIP processor.

  • General shows the time that the enclave was seen executing on a general purpose processor.

  • Total the sum of ZIIP and general time.

Export Icon allows you to export to the following formats:
- Copy to Clipboard
- MS Excel
- Print

Filter Icon supplies a value and acts as a filter used for data on the table.