Email a Profile

iStrobe allows you send one or more profiles by email or send a link for one or more profiles to email recipients.

Send an Email with a profile

To send an email for one or more profiles, follow these steps:

  1. In my Strobe, right-click on a profile in the list. You may select more than one profile at a time by holding down the Ctrl key while right-clicking on additional profiles.

  2. With the mouse pointer positioned over any one of the targeted profiles, right-click and select Email Profiles... . The Email Recipients dialog box appears.

  3. Add an email recipient to the field and press Enter. You may add more than one recipient by repeating this step.

  4. When all email recipients have been added click OK. An email with the profile(s) in a zipped file is sent to those email recipients identified.

Send an Email with a Link to a Profile

To send an email with a link to one or more profiles, follow these steps:

  1. In my Strobe, right-click on a profile in the list. You may select more than one profile at a time by holding down the Ctrl key while right-clicking on additional profiles.

  2. With the mouse pointer positioned over any one of the targeted profiles, right-click and select Email Profile Link... . The Email Recipients dialog box appears.

  3. Add an email recipient to the field and press Enter. You may add more than one recipient by repeating this step.

  4. When all email recipients have been added click OK. An email with a link for the profile(s) is sent to those email recipients identified.