Using the Periodic Rolling 4-Hour Average MSU Report

This report combines the Monthly, Daily, and Hourly Rolling 4-Hour Average MSU charts into one chart (the old ones are still available). The table beneath the chart is updated dynamically based on data displayed in the chart. The scale displays in hourly, daily, or monthly depending on how many days are visible on the chart. The legend can be used to either show or hide CPCs or individual LPARs.

When zooming in on the R4HA report, the chart/graph displays a partial day's worth of data. Expanding the table, however, displays the full day.


  • The drop-down menu displays any saved groupings of CPCs and LPARs.  The groups are available to all users.

  • Clicking Save allows the user to update an existing group.  It will prompt for an overwrite confirmation if one already exists.

  • Clicking Save As prompts the user for a name for the new CPC/LPAR selection.

  • Clicking Delete will delete the group.

Target MSU

  • This displays that the user set the numeric value for the CPC/LPAR group.

  • This value can be changed and then saved within the CPC/LPAR group.

  • This value displays as a linear line on the Periodic graph.

CPC List

  • The CPC and UTC information is captured by Strobe (Strobe needs to be at the January 2018 cumulative maintenance for 18.02 or higher).

  • Available CPCs and their associated LPARs are displayed.

  • N/A indicates that there was no CPC information when the data was collected.

  • The +/- toggle on the CPC will turn on and off the display of the CPC’s LPARs.  

  • Clicking the On/Off switch for a CPC will enable all of the associated LPARS for display.

  • LPARs can then be disabled and re-enabled by clicking the LPAR name.

  • The LPAR list can be scrolled should there be a large number of LPARs collected.

Graphical Area

  • This display is linked with the CPC List.  As CPC/LPARs are turned on the graph will automatically refresh.

  • Hovering over a selected LPAR in the CPC List will highlight the graphical area.

  • The second date scale, below the graph, is a selectable scale.  Place the cursor in the second date scale area and left-click dragging the cursor to the right or left.  This change in scale will then redraw the graph to represent the new time period.  The selected scale can be dragged along the axis.

  • Clicking on a plot on the graph will produce the MSU Over Time report. This will display the data from ALL CPC/LPARs that are selected in the legend in the new report.

Tabular Area

  • The tabular area shows the selected CPCs. Times are expressed as UTC (GMT).

  • The CPCs can be expanded to see the selected LPARs, and each LPAR can then be expanded to drill down to display an hour of measurement.

  • The MSU Over Time report can also be produced using the Date/Hour link within each LPAR.