A task is suspended by the loader domain if it has requested a program load and another task is already loading that program. Once the load in progress is complete, the suspended task is resumed very quickly and the wait is unlikely to be detected.

Note that the loader does not suspend a task while a program is loaded if it is the first one to ask for that program.

If the requested program is not loaded quickly, the reasons for the wait need to be investigated. The possible reasons for the wait, and the ways you should investigate them are:

  1. The system could be short on storage (SOS), so only system tasks can be dispatched. To check if the system is short on storage use the CEMT transaction, submitting CEMT I SYS SOSSTATUS. To see if SOS has been reached too often, examine the job log, check the run statistics, or submit CEMT I DSAS. If SOS has been reached too often, take steps to relieve the storage constraints. For guidance about this, see the CICS Performance Guide.

  2. There could be an I/O error on a library. Check for messages that might indicate this. If you find one, investigate the reason why the I/O error occurred.

  3. There could be an error within MVS. Has there been any sort of message to indicate this? If so, it is likely that you need to refer the problem to the IBM Support Center.