View a Profile Report

When you select a profile, one of two reports display -- either the Strobe Advisor report or the Measurement Session Data report.

To access iStrobe reports, first click the name of a Profile in the myStrobe window to open it. Then select a report from the Reports menu or by clicking the corresponding icon in the Measurement Session Data report.

From a profile report you can:

  • Click to add your own notes to a Performance Profile.  The icon changes to when notes already exist.

  • Click to Submit a Fix Request. This icon is found in the Program CPU Usage report and the Strobe Advisor General reports.

  • Click and to view or hide detail about a specific line in a report.

  • Click and select iStrobe Help from the Help menu to view a `description of the report, including suggestions for its use.

  • Use the navigation bar to find the page you are looking for.

  • Click underlined data items to see specific performance analysis tips. Types of help include module help and CICS resource help.

  • Create your own customized help, by selecting User-provided help from the Help menu.

  • Printing of a report is accomplished through the print function in the browser.

List of iStrobe Profile reports