.SVC is a Strobe pseudo-section that represents the activity of modules invoked by supervisor calls. That is, routines such as GETMAIN, FREEMAIN, OPEN, and CLOSE. SVCs use CPU cycles. Excessive use of SVCs contributes to a CPU resource bottleneck.


The Attribution of CPU Wait Time and the Attribution of CPU Execution Time reports will show what invoked the SVCs, provided that the activity attributed to the SVCs is above the baseline parameter (default is 2%). With this information, you can determine whether you can reduce this SVC activity.

Examine the top three or four SVCs to determine if any one is used ten percent or more than the others. Then look at the Attribution of CPU Usage and Attribution of CPU Wait Time reports to find the module that issued the SVC and the address where the SVC was issued.

Reference Sources

Virtual Storage Access Method, 1983, Ronald Ferguson.

IMS/MVS Performance Monitoring and Tuning Guide, G320-6004.

Strobe Interpretation and Analysis User Guide, Compuware Corporation.