Cost Sets


To add a cost set:

  1. From the Cost Sets window, click Add. The Cost Set window appears.

  2. Enter or modify the following fields:

  • Name

  • System

  • CPU model

  • Subsystem

  • Prime Time/Starts at

  • Prime Time/Ends at

  • CPU Hour Cost ($) Prime time

  • CPU Hour Cost ($) Non-prime time

  1. Click OK. The cost set is added to the table.


To edit a cost set:

  1. From the Cost Sets window, select the cost set to be edited by clicking it.

  2. With the cost set selected, click Edit.

  3. Modify the appropriate fields as needed.

  4. Click OK. The cost set is modified as indicated.


To delete a cost set:

  1. From the Cost Sets window, select the cost set to be deleted by clicking it.

  2. With the cost set selected, click Delete. The cost set is deleted from the table.


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Performance Tracker
