SVC 099

SVC 099 is a Type 3 SVC issued by Dynamic Allocation. This macro gets the LOCAL and CMS locks and calls program IGC0009I in load module IEFDB400.

It is issued for most files or databases that are dynamically opened or closed. Files must be dynamically opened and closed if they are not defined in the JCL.


Wait time reported to SVC 099 might be considerable because control is not returned to the application program until the allocation is complete. One cause of wait time might be contention for an MVS catalog (caused by a reserve on the catalog volume from a second CPU), or enqueue contention in the same CPU due to many TSO and/or batch address spaces that reference the same catalog. If the wait to SVC 099 is consistent over several Strobe measurements, you might want to allocate the datasets to a different volume.

In a JES3 environment, a delay in response time could result from dynamic allocation being sent to the JES3 processor, and then returned to the local processor. The delay could be due to contention in the JES3 GLOBAL processor.

Reference Sources

IBM z/OS MVS Diagnosis Reference

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Reference Vol. 1