Error Messages

Agent Error Messages

Agent processing is traced and the log files are created within a subdirectory called tjp_log in the root directory (user.home by default). The following messages may appear:

Message Sequence


User Action

Unable to create connection to Manager at localhost: <host> The Topaz for Java Performance Agent cannot connect to the manager. Verify that the Topaz for Java Performance Manager at the specified host and port has been started. Check the accuracy of the values. If the values are incorrect, modify the file located in the Agent's installation directory. Restart the JVM for the changes to take effect.
  • Processing Agent shutdown hook.

  • Measurement runtime stopped.

  • Profiler runtime stopped.

  • Un-registered from Topaz for Java Performance Manager.

  • Agent TCP/IP listener command processing ended.

  • AgentListener stopped.

  • Agent TCP/IP listener thread ended.

  • Agent shutdown hook completed.

The Topaz for Java Performance Agent shut down because the JVM ended. No action required as this is normal Agent shutdown.
  • A SocketException. Connection reset

  • Processing request response from Manager.

  • Agent TCP/IP listener command processing ended.

  • Resetting Agent TCP/IP listener thread to reconnect to manager.

  • Unable to create connection to Manager at localhost:<host>. Exception: java,net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect.

  • Waiting '1' minute(s) to retry connect to Manager at localhost:<host>.

The Topaz for Java Performance Manager has shut down. If the Topaz for Java Performance Agent is active when the Topaz for Java Performance Manager is re-started, it will attempt to re-connect .
Unable to register with Topaz for Java Performance Manager ReturnCode: 8 ReasonCode: 128 Text:No License. The license check failed. Topaz for Java Performance Agent will attempt to reconnect, however attempt to resolve the Topaz for Java Performance Manager problem by, for example, licensing the product, ensuring a license is currently available for checkout.
  • Unable to write data '<directory/file where agent captures measurement data>'  Exception: There is not enough space on the disk

  • Measurement ended, because an exception occurred capturing data. Exception: There is not enough space on the disk

Note: <directory/file where agent captures measurement data> is formatted as in the following example:



  • LPAR is the user's LPAR.

  • USER001A is the id jobName.

  • 10_20_0_125 is the IP address of the user's machine.

  • 2015-05-26-13-17-09-716 is the current date.

There is not enough disk space to write the measurement file. Free up space in the specified directory and resubmit the measurement request.
  • 2015-06-01 12:30:28.549 INFO 1 com.compuware.cjp.agent.timer.Sampler.<init> -
    JNI functions will not be used capture process CPU time, because

  • 2015-06-01 12:30:28.549 INFO 1 com.compuware.cjp.agent.timer.Sampler.<init> -Minimum Java version to use OperatingSystemMXBean: 1.7.0-20150313.
    Current Java version is: 1.7.0-20141219

Process CPU time is captured using the OperatingSystemMXBean, which requires a certain Java version. If Java is not at the required version, the Topaz for Java Performance Agent’s JNI functions can be used by setting the tjp.measurement.jni.processcputime property to true. In addition, the  tjp.measurement.jni.processcputime.every.nth.sample property, which sets the frequency of sampling, such as every fifth sample, needs to be set. 0 indicates off. If process CPU times are to be captured using the OperatingSystemMXBean, then update Java to the required version. If the Topaz for Java Performance Agent’s JNI functions are to be used, then set the property “tjp.measurement.jni.processcputime=true” in the
  • 2015-05-29 22:12:03.098 INFO 1 com.compuware.cjp.agent.timer.Sampler.<init> -
    Minimum Java version to use OperatingSystemMXBean: 1.7.0-20150313.
    Current Java version is: 1.7.0-20141219

  • 2015-05-29 22:12:03.113 INFO 1 com.compuware.cjp.agent.timer.Sampler.init -
    JNI functions will be used capture process CPU time every 10 samples

Process CPU time is currently set to be captured using the Topaz for Java Performance Agent’s JNI functions, but be aware that it is set to capture every tenth sample. Alternatively, to capture CPU time with OperatingSystemMXBean, Java needs to be updated to the required version. If process CPU times are to be captured using the OperatingSystemMXBean, then update Java to the required version. If process CPU times are to be captured using the Topaz for Java Performance Agent’s JNI functions, be aware that it is set to capture every tenth sample.
  • 2015-05-29 22:21:05.750 INFO 1 com.compuware.cjp.agent.timer.Sampler.<init> -JNI functions will not be used capture process CPU time, because

  • 2015-05-29 22:21:05.750 INFO 1 com.compuware.cjp.agent.timer.Sampler.<init> - Minimum Java version to use OperatingSystemMXBean:
    1.7.0-20150313. Current Java version is: 1.7.0-20141219

The Topaz for Java Performance Agent’s JNI functions needs to be set to a non-zero value so it can be used to capture process CPU time. Alternatively, Java needs to be updated to the required version. If process CPU times are to be captured using the OperatingSystemMXBean, then update Java to the required version. If the Topaz for Java Performance Agent’s JNI function are to be used, the set property “tjp.measurement.jni.processcputime.every.nth.sample  to a non-zero value in the


Registration Error Messages

Registration errors are written to the cjp.log, which is located at data/cjp/logs. The following messages may appear:



User Action

An agent with that name has already been registered. An agent is trying to register using an agent name that is already registered. Rename the agent or stop the agent that is running with the duplicate name.
There are no seat licenses available for this agent. All of the Topaz for Java Performance licenses have been checked out. Wait until a license is checked back in.
This agent is not licensed for Topaz for Java Performance. The LPAR on which the agent is running isn’t licensed for Topaz for Java Performance. Obtain a license for that LPAR.
The version of this agent is not supported. The agent version isn’t supported. Update the agent to a supported version.
The version of this agent is no longer supported. The agent version is no longer supported. Update the agent to a supported version.
A license couldn’t be retrieved. Please create a Host Connection and try again. A license couldn’t be retrieved for the agent because there are no HCI connections defined. Define an HCI connection.