If your task is waiting on a resource type of KCCOMPAT, it has been suspended by the transaction manager.

If you have a resource type of KCCOMPAT, the resource name tells you more about the circumstances of the wait. The meanings of the resource names are described in the following table.


The task has been suspended on a DFHKC TYPE=WAIT,DCI=CICS macro call. CICS has issued the macro. The task is waiting for some internal event, and the ECB should be posted by CICS under another task.


The task has been suspended on a DFHKC TYPE=WAIT,DCI=LIST macro call issued by CICS code. It is waiting for any ECB in a list of ECBs to be posted, after which it is resumed.


The task has been suspended on a DFHKC TYPE=WAIT,DCI=SINGLE macro call issued by CICS code. It is waiting for a single ECB to be posted, after which it is resumed.


The task has been suspended on a DFHKC TYPE=WAIT,DCI=TERMINAL macro call. CICS has suspended the task. The task is waiting for terminal I/O to complete, and stays suspended until resumed by CICS.

If the resource name for the wait is SINGLE, CICS, or LIST, look at the entry in the SUSPAREA column of the dispatcher summary in the dump. The type of value it contains depends on the resource name:

  • For SINGLE or CICS, it is the address of an ECB

  • For LIST, it is the address of a list of ECBs

(The contents of the SUSPAREA entry are not significant for TERMINAL, because those types of wait are subject to the dispatcher RESUME function. For more information about debugging terminal waits, see "Investigating terminal waits" in the CICS Problem Determination Guide.)

Check the contents of the SUSPAREA entry. Does it contain a valid address? That is, is it within the CICS address space, and actually pointing at an ECB, or a list of ECBs?

If you find an invalid address: It is possible that a storage overlay is the cause of the wait problem. If you suspect this to be the case, see "Dealing with storage violations" in your CICS Problem Determination Guide for further advice. However, note that this is likely to be a "random" overlay, and such problems are often very difficult to solve.

From the kernel information in the dump, find out which code issued the DFHKC macro call. If you think that CICS has passed an incorrect address, contact the IBM Support Center, and report the problem to them.

If you find a valid address: Consider what area the ECB is in. Do the position of the ECB, and its environment, suggest that it relates to a resource whose availability you can control? If so, you might be able to solve the problem by redefining the quantity of that resource.

If the ECB does not lie within an area that you can control, refer the problem to the IBM Support Center.