SVC 048

SVC 048, the DEQUEUE macro, is a Type 2 SVC. This macro gets the LOCAL and CMSEQDQ locks and calls program IGC048 in the load module ISGGNQDQ.

The DEQUEUE macro releases control of one or more serially reusable resources from the active task.

Each group of programs competes for resources available at execution time. A resource is anything that a program needs as it executes, such as processor time, a data set, another program, a table, or a hardware device.


Design your application program to ensure that a second request for a resource is not issued as an unconditional request until SVC 048 releases control of the resource from the first use.

Reference Sources

IBM z/OS MVS Diagnosis Reference

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Reference Vol. 1

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Reference Vol. 1