Abend-AID Diagnostic Summary - E-mail Notification

Fault Analytics uses e-mail to automatically notify a person or group of people immediately when a problem occurs. You can customize the content of the e-mail to send the event information that is important to those receiving it. This can include a link to the Abend-AID diagnostic summary report allowing interested personnel to become immediately aware of the problem along with the ability to easily and instantly access the report.

To accomplish this, you must first create a rule that defines who is notified by e-mail and under what conditions. After you define the rule, an e-mail can be delivered for every mainframe batch or CICS fault that occurs.

Abend-AID Diagnostic Summary Report Link

When the link is accessed, the Abend-AID diagnostic summary report appears within a browser as shown in Figure 1 and 4. When application source is available in the default Abend-AID listing files, the diagnostic shows the source code merged into the analysis.

Note iconNote: The following figures show the Abend-AID diagnostic report as it appears for Abend-AID release 10.2 and earlier and Abend-AID for CICS 5.2 and earlier. Reports for Abend-AID 11.1 and later and Abend-AID for CICS 11.1 and later will link directly to the Abend-AID common viewer.

Figure 1. Abend-AID Diagnostics (Part 1)

Abend-AID Diagnostic Report (Part 1)

Figure 2. Abend-AID Diagnostics (Part 2)

Abend-AID Diagnostic Report (Part 2)

Figure 3. Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostics (Part 1 of 2)

Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostic Report (Part 1)

Figure 4. Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostics (Part 2 of 3)

Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostic Report (Part 2)

Rules Thresholds

When defining Fault Analytics rules, thresholds can also be used for those situations where a one-time occurrence is not significant, but many occurrences indicate a problem. For example, you may have a CICS transaction fault where a certain amount of faults are considered “acceptable”, and no notification is required. However, if you start to see many of these CICS transaction faults within a certain time period, then notification is required so the problem can be investigated immediately. Using thresholds help to accomplish this type of control.

Rules Thresholds for CICS Transactions

For example, you can create a rule to notify the CICS Support distribution list only if a CICS transaction type of event with a transaction ID of TRN1 has occurred 20 times within a two-hour period. In other words, the first 19 occurrences of a CICS fault that matches this criteria within a two-hour period does not result in a notification. Only the 20th occurrence within two hours results in an e-mail notification.


The tight integration between Fault Analytics and the other Abend-AID products provides customers with a unique opportunity to minimize downtime by quickly addressing and correcting mainframe faults. This is accomplished through e-mail, using the ability of Fault Analytics to immediately make personnel aware that a problem exists. It has the additional benefit of being able to easily access the Abend-AID diagnostic summary report through e-mail or Fault Analytics reports. This can be critical when applications must be running at all times to meet customer demand.

See Also

Abend-AID Diagnostic Summary

Abend-AID Diagnostic Summary - Management Reports