E-mail Templates

Templates are standard e-mail forms you can use for a variety of fault occurrences. You can choose one of the templates provided with Abend-AID Fault Analytics, or you can create your own templates to meet your specific needs.

Create a New Template

Note iconNote: Only users with Administrator authority can create text templates.

  1. In the Fault Viewer, select  Administration. The Administration panel appears.

  2. Select the E-mail icon. The Configure E-Mail panel appears.

  3. Click E-mail Templates. The Configure E-mail Templates panel appears in the workspace panel. A list of existing text templates appears.

  4. Click New. The Create E-mail Template dialog box appears.

  5. Type a name for your text template in the Template Name field.

  6. Type the subject of the e-mail in the E-mail Subject field. To use an event field as the subject for your e-mail template, highlight an item in the Event Fields list and click up arrow icon.

  7. Type the text of the e-mail in the E-mail Message field. You can also select an item in the Event Fields list and click left arrow iconto insert the field in the e-mail text area.

    Note iconNote: Event Fields contains a list of event field names that your e-mail text can include. When the event field name is included in the E-mail Message box, Abend-AID Fault Analytics surrounds it with percent (%) signs to designate that it is a symbol that will be resolved with the actual text when the e-mail is sent.

    Note iconNote: In addition to the fields in the Event Fields box, the following fields can be specified in the Subject field and E-Mail Message box:

    • %System.Now% - Generates the current date/time (the date/time the event is being processed by the template) as "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.MMM".

    • %System.Today% - Generate the current date as "MM/DD/YYYY".

    • %Calculated.EventDate% - Generates the date when the event was generated, in the time zone of the server where the event originated, as "MM/DD/YYYY".

    • %Calculated.EventTime% - Generate the time when the event was generated, in the time zone of the server where the event originated, as "HH:MM:SS".

    • %Calculated.EventTimeStamp% - A convenient shortcut of %Calculated.EventDate% %Calculated.EventTime%.

  8. Click OK to save the changes. This creates a new template.

Create a Text Template for Scheduled Reports

If you want to use your own text template for Scheduled Reports instead of the default template provided with Abend-AID Fault Analytics, you must create it prior to the parameters being met that initiate the Scheduled Report. You can, of course, modify the template later.

In order for the e-mail generated by Scheduled Reports to contain a hyperlink to the report, the ReportLink field must be used in the body of the template. It is shown in the e-mail message area as %EventData.ReportLink%.

Edit a Template

  1. In the Navigation pane, expand Administration.

  2. Click E-mail Templates. The Configure E-mail Templates panel appears in the workspace panel.

  3. Click on the name of an existing template in the list. The Create E-mail Template dialog box appears with the data for the template you selected.  

  4. Make the desired changes and click OK to save your changes.

Delete a Template

You can delete a single template or multiple templates.

Delete a Single or Multiple Templates from the Template's Dialog Box

  1. In the Navigation pane, expand Administration.

  2. Click E-mail Templates. The Configure E-mail Templates panel appears in the workspace panel.

  3. Select one or more check boxes next to the templates you want to delete.  

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

See Also

E-mail Distribution Lists

Fault Analytics Viewer

Event Fields