Working with myStrobe

The myStrobe screen displays all profiles and includes identifying information about the Profile. The columns displayed by default include:

  • Status

  • Profile Name

  • Folder Name

  • Owner ID

  • Job Name

  • LPAR

  • Step Name

  • Program

  • Start Time

  • Total CPU Time

  • Total Elapsed Time

  • Total Wait Time

  • Stretch Time

  • Total EXCPs

  • Note

  • Tags

You can change the columns that display in myStrobe. To modify the columns that display in myStrobe, right-click in a profile row and then click View Columns... Select the columns to be displayed.

From myStrobe, you can also:

View Columns

Create, Import, and Export Profiles

Create a Profile Baseline

View a Profile

Move a Profile

Rename a Profile

Delete a Profile

Compare Profiles (this function is not available for Group Profiles)

Filter the List of Profiles

Create, Rename, Delete Folders

Manage Profile Notes

Manage Profile Tags

Edit or Resubmit a Measurement

Performance Tracker (this function is not available for Group Profiles)

Email Profile Link

Access BMC Mainview Explorer (this function is not available for Group Profiles)