Activity by Action Diagram

The Activity by Action Diagram report identifies the CPU use and wait time for each module in an application generated by CA Gen, and the action diagram names that correspond to each module or control section.

Note: The term CA Gen also refers to Advantage Gen and COOL:Gen.

Report details

  • Module shows the module name.

Click next to the module to view additional detail:

  • Section shows the control section name.

Note: For all module or section names that exceed eight characters, Strobe generates a token, which is an eight-byte identifier. The token comprises the first four characters of the module or section name followed by a hyphen (-) and then the last three characters of the name. Refer to the Token Longname Cross Reference report to reconcile all tokens with their long names

  • Action diagram gives the name of the Action Diagram associated with the program in the Section column.

  • Query shows the name of the database request module (Package) created by Db2 during the precompile process. The Package contains information about SQL statements.

  • Timestamp shows the time and date that the Package was created.

  • CPU % Total shows the percentage of CPU use for the module, control section with or without any concurrent I/O activity.

  • Wait % Page shows the percentage of wait time used by the module, control section, or statement without any concurrent I/O activity.

  • Wait % Total shows the percentage of wait time used by the module, control section, or statement with or without any concurrent I/O activity.

Click next to the section to view additional detail:

  • Number shows the statement number in the compiler listing for which Strobe identified activity.

  • Text shows the CA Gen statement associated with the statement number.

Click next to the number to view additional detail:

  • SQL stmt Number shows the line number of the SQL statement called by the COBOL statement identified in the COBOL Statement Text column, as shown in the Db2 precompiler listing. Click to view the SQL Statement Analysis report for this statement.

In the COBOL statement section:

  • Starting location shows the hexadecimal address, relative to the beginning of the control section, at which Strobe identified activity on behalf of the associated COBOL statement.

  • Number shows the number of the COBOL Statement.

  • Text shows the COBOL statement text that CA Gen generated.

Click next to the SQL statement number to view details about the services invoked by the statement. [MORE]

Analysis tips

To view a list of tips, suggestions, and considerations for CA Gen applications, see CA Gen Hints.