Services Invoked

Services invoked shows the services invoked by the starting location identified in previous level. Data that appears may vary based on the type of services being reported.

  • Pseudo-module shows the name of the pseudo section or module that groups supervisory functions.

  • Module shows the name of the load module that was active when Strobe took the sample, or the name of the pseudo section that groups supervisory functions.

  • Section shows the name of the control section within the currently active load module.

Note: For all module or section names that exceed eight characters, Strobe generates a token, which is an eight-byte identifier. The token comprises the first four characters of the module or section name followed by a hyphen (-) and then the last three characters of the name. Refer to the Token Longname Cross Reference report to reconcile all tokens with their long names

  • Description gives a short description of the purpose of the module or control section. Function descriptions appear for all pseudo-sections and pseudo-modules, and, if your Strobe system programmer has supplied them, for other control sections and modules as well.

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction that invoked this service. A value of NOTRAN signifies that no transaction was responsible for the service.

  • Location shows the first storage location of the area, relative to the beginning of the control section, expressed in hexadecimal notation.

  • Line number shows the line number the compiler assigned to a line in the source program.

  • Source text shows the application program sources statement when using DDIO source database or Index mapping.

  • Attrib. CPU % Total  shows the percentage of CPU time used by the module in execution of the statement.

  • Wait % Page shows the wait time that results from retrieving a page from the page data set. A high value in this column indicates that there is not enough physical memory assigned to the address space. If you noticed a high page rate on the Measurement Session Data report, the Wait by SQL Statement report shows you which statement that was experiencing the delay because of paging.

  • Wait % Total measures all causes of wait time, including page retrieval, programmed I/O operations, and timer requests.