Update Center

The Update Center provides a means of centrally administering updates for Compuware web-based products and Topaz Workbench. Updates are provided by obtaining an update repository, either online or manually.

  • Online -- Update repositories can be retrieved from Compuware's cloud-based update server.

Check with your network administrator to be sure you can issue HTTPS requests to update.compuware.com on port 443.  Depending on your network settings, you may need to configure proxy server settings. Refer to the Proxy settings on the Web Server Settings help page.

  • Manual -- Updates can be performed manually by uploading a repository file.

Users have the option to opt out of automatic database upgrades when applying maintenance. In those instances, however, CES will be unusable until the database is manually upgraded. The user can have CES upgrade the database by either connecting at the Database Settings page or by generating upgrade ddl as detailed in the Database Settings online help page under Generate DDL.

Updating Compuware Web Products

Follow the instructions below to update Compuware Web Products, either online or manually.

To update Compuware Web Products online

  1. From the Compuware Enterprise Services menu, click Administration and then click Update Center. The Update Center page appears.

  2. Click the Updates tab.

  3. Set the Check for updates online switch to On.

  4. To show the latest versions only of the web-based products, set the Show latest versions only switch to On.

  5. Under Compuware Web Products, click Download to download and process the repository. The progress bar indicates when the download has completed.

  6. Click Apply to apply the update. Compuware Enterprise Services automatically restarts to complete the maintenance operation. If a database upgrade is necessary, the database will then be automatically upgraded.

 For instruction on manually updating a database, refer to the topic in the Database Settings section of this online help.

 It is recommended that users log out before applying an update. Active users may experience inconsistent behavior during the upgrade process.

  1. At the end of the upgrade process, a status message appears indicating that product updates were applied and the Compuware Enterprise Services server successfully restarted.

To manually update Compuware Web Products

This process presumes you have downloaded the update file from the Compuware Support Center website. Be sure that the update file you've downloaded is the appropriate version for the Compuware web-based product.

  1. After downloading the update file, launch the Compuware Enterprise Services application.

  2. From Compuware Enterprise Services menu, click Administration and then click Update Center. The Update Center page appears.

  3. Click the Updates tab.

  4. Set the Check for updates online switch to Off.

  5. Under Manual Compuware Web Products Update, click Upload. Select the update file you wish to apply, and click Open. The upload process runs and the progress bar indicates when the upload is complete.

  6. Click Apply to apply the update. Compuware Enterprise Services automatically restarts to complete the maintenance operation. If a database upgrade is necessary, the database will then be automatically upgraded.

 It is recommended that users log out before applying an update. Active users may experience inconsistent behavior during the upgrade process.

  1. At the end of the upgrade process, a status message appears indicating that product updates were applied and the Compuware Enterprise Services server successfully restarted.

Updating Topaz Workbench

Follow the instructions below to allow Topaz Workbench users to update the Topaz Workbench repository, either online or manually.

To update Topaz Workbench online

  1. From the Compuware Enterprise Services menu, click Administration and then click Update Center. The Update Center page appears.

  2. Click the Updates tab.

  3. Set the Check for updates online switch to On.

  4. To show the latest versions only of the web-based products, set the Show latest versions only switch to On.

  5. Under Topaz Workbench, click Download to download and process the downloaded repository. The progress bar indicates when the download has completed.

  6. Click Done. The p2 repository file download is complete and the repository is hosted for access by Topaz Workbench.

  7. Instruct Topaz Workbench users to perform an update by navigating to the Topaz Workbench Help Menu and selecting Check for Updates.

To manually update Topaz Workbench

This process presumes you have downloaded the Topaz Workbench P2 Repository from the Compuware Support Center website. Be sure that the p2 repository you've downloaded is appropriate for your version of Topaz Workbench.

  1. After downloading the p2 repository for the Topaz Workbench, launch the Compuware Enterprise Services application.

  2. From Compuware Enterprise Services menu, click Administration and then click Update Center. The Update Center page appears.

  3. Click the Updates tab.

  4. Set the Check for updates online switch to Off.

  5. Under Manual Topaz Workbench Update, click Upload. Select the update file you wish to host, and click Open. The upload process runs and the progress bar indicates when the upload is complete.

  6. Click Done. The p2 repository file upload is complete and the repository is hosted for access by Topaz Workbench.

  7. Instruct Topaz Workbench users to perform an update by navigating to the Topaz Workbench Help Menu and selecting Check for Updates.

Related Topics

Welcome to Compuware Enterprise Services


Database Settings

Host Connection Settings

Issue Tracking Settings

Licensing Settings

Security Settings

Topaz Team Profiles


Web Server