If your task is waiting on resource type FCFSWAIT, it means that it has attempted to change the state of a file--for example, to CLOSE or DISABLE it--but another task is, or other tasks are, still using the file. This can happen, for example, if a long-running transaction, possibly conversational, is using a recoverable file. The file cannot be closed until the updates made by the transaction have been committed; that is, the transaction has issued a syncpoint. In such a case, consider changing the programming logic so that intermediate syncpoints are issued.)

Only one task at a time waits on FCFSWAIT. If any other tasks attempt to change the state of the same file, they are suspended on resource type ENQUEUE. See "Task control waits" in your CICS Problem Determination Guide.

Waiting on this resource can occur for files accessed in both RLS and non-RLS mode.