If you have a task that is not running, and interval control seems to be involved, the following is a list of possible cases, and suggestions to consider before you carry out a detailed investigation. If these do not give you enough information in order to solve the problem, turn to "Finding the reason for a DELAY request not completing" in the CICS Problem Determination Guide for further guidance.

If, in the course of your preliminary investigations, you find that the task is waiting because the terminal where it is due to start is unavailable, turn to "Investigating terminal waits" in the CICS Problem Determination Guide.

  • A terminal task that should have been initiated with an EXEC CICS START command did not start when you expected it to. CEMT INQ TASK does not recognize the task, because it has not yet been attached.

One approach is to identify the terminal where the subject task should have started, and see if that terminal is, for some reason, unavailable. You can use CEMT INQ TERMINAL to find the status of the terminal.

  • You have found a task is waiting on resource type ICGTWAIT. This means that the task issued an EXEC RETRIEVE WAIT command, and the data to be retrieved is not available. The resource name gives you the name of the terminal running the task in the ICGTWAIT wait and therefore the target TERMID for other tasks issuing EXEC CICS START commands to supply more data. If there are no tasks in the system that would issue START commands for this TERMID, you need to determine whether this is reasonable. If there are such tasks in the system, check to see why they are not issuing the required START commands. They might, for example, be waiting for terminal input.

Also look at the deadlock time-out interval (DTIMOUT) and the system purge value (SPURGE) for the task issuing the EXEC CICS RETRIEVE WAIT command. If there is no DTIMOUT value or SPURGE=NO has been specified, the task will wait indefinitely for the data.

Note: The task waiting on resource ICGTWAIT might note be the one that you first set out to investigate. Any AID task scheduled to start at the same terminal cannot do so, until the current task has terminated.

  • You have found that the task is waiting on resource type ICWAIT. This means that the task issued an EXEC CICS DELAY command that has not yet completed. Check that the interval or time specified on the request was what you intended. If you belive that the expiry time of the request has passed, that suggests a possible CICS error.

  • A task that issued EXEC CICS POST did not have its ECB posted when you expected it to. Check to make sure the interval or time you specified was what you intended.

  • A task that issued EXEC CICS WAIT EVENT was not resumed when you thought it should have been. Assuming the WAIT was issued sometime after a POST, first check to make sure that the interval or time specified on the POST was what you intended. If it was, next check to see whether the ECB being waited on was posted. If it was, that indicates a possible CICS error.