DFHELR, the local/remote decision routine (invoked by DFHEIP if the running CICS system has ISC active), determines if the required resource is local or remote. (A resource is remote if the SYSID option is specified or if the entry in the associated FCT, DCT, TST, or PCT shows the resource to be remote.) If local, control is returned to DFHEIP; if remote, DFHELR locates (or creates) a transformer storage area XFSTG, and issues a DFHIS TYPE-CONVERSE macro. When the reply is received from the remote system, DFHELR returns control to DFHEIP.

Reference Sources

CICS/ESA Version 3.1.1, Diagnosis Reference, LYCC-6072.

CICS/ESA Version 3.1.1, Diagnosis Reference, LY33-6072.