MVS is the three character prefix for module names in the online software package ACP (Airline Control Package). The package is made up of core modules and exit routines to load and unload programs and data. The package runs under MVS, but does not use the IBM standard link and load mechanisms. Programs are treated and processed as data and reside in a database. The programs are loaded and unloaded as necessary from the database.

Because of the non-standard link and load process, the user-written programs are not typically shown in a Performance Profile unless you write a data collector to identify them. Core programs and exit routines, however, will show up in the Profile. We recommended that you write a data collector to report on CPU use in user programs.


Use iStrobe to analyze the performance of the I/O of an ACP application and, then, to prevent I/O bottlenecks, implement the indicated performance improvements. Since the programs and data are treated identically and reside in a database, improving I/O performance is critical.