
The Compare Profiles function is not available for group profiles.


You can view and compare reports from two profiles in a folder.

  1. Begin by navigating to the folder or subdirectory which contains the two profiles to be compared. The list of profiles stored in the folder appears in the Profiles grid in the main window.

  2. Press and hold Ctrl while selecting two profiles for comparison by clicking on each profile in the profiles grid.

  3. Right-click  and select Compare from the context menu.

Reports for the two profiles then appear in a new window for comparison. Use the reports menu to navigate to a specific report for comparison.

Summary Compare

You can produce a Summary Compare pdf report from two selected profiles. The report will contain basic information from the Measurement Session Data, System CPU Usage, User CPU Usage, Top File Wait, Top Data Set Characteristics, and VSAM LSR Pool. The user will be prompted to Print or Save the pdf created.

Db2 distributed address spaces will show CPU/WAIT in the report. If you are looking for a Db2 statement compare, then use the Compare Profiles.

Related Topics:

Working with myStrobe

Create, Import, and Export Profiles

View a Profile

Filter the List of Profiles

Manage Profile Notes

Delete a Profile