DSNB1REL releases pages previously acquired by the Buffer Manager. Releasing makes the page available for reuse within the buffer pool, using the normal LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithms. The greater the buffer pool activity, the more CPU time DSNB1REL uses. DSNB1REL deals directly with Buffer Manager control blocks and Page Manipulation Blocks (PMBs). It is part of the Buffer Manager Code.

Db2 data is stored in linear addressable DASD data set collections called page sets. Within page sets, the data is stored in fixed-sized units called pages. Db2 functions that process this data do not directly access the page sets, but instead operate on virtual storage copies of the pages.


Tablespace scans that use cursor stability will use more resources in this module, because pages are released (unlocked) as soon as they are not needed. Cursor stability (CS) is the normal mode of processing Db2 tables. It is specified when a plan is bound. Plans should not normally be bound with repeatable read (RR) since this will cause concurrency (locking) problems.

Reference Sources

IBM Db2 Diagnosis Reference Volume 1, LY27-9536.