Change Rule Order

The order in which rules are listed is the same order they will be processed. The rule order can be critical depending on the actions taken, so you may at some time want to change the order in which the rules are executed.

Caution: Because rules are processed in the order they are listed, the order of dependence must be maintained.  For example, if rule #10 depends on a value calculated in rule #6. Moving rule #10 before rule #6 in the list would likely result in unexpected rule processing.

Change Rule Order

To change the order in which you want to process rules:

  1. From the Fault Viewer, select  Administration.  The Administration panel appears.

  2.  Select Rules. The Edit Rules panel appears.

  3. To change the order of the rules, do one of the following:

    • Click the up or down arrow in the row of the rule you want to move. Doing so moves that rule up one row or down one row, depending on which arrow you click.
    • Type a number in the Processing Order field to indicate where in the sequence of rules you want the rule to occur.
  4. Click Apply. New rules are added to the bottom of the rules list.

Other Activities You Can Perform on this Screen

See Also

Rules Overview

Rule Examples