Module DFSDLA00 is the IMS DL/I Call Analyzer. It is invoked by the interregion copy module DFSCPY00 twice per call. The first pass is for initial validation of the call parameters. The second pass is for final validation and then to invoke the IMS DL/I action modules such as DL/I retrieve DFSDLR00 and DL/I load/insert DFSDDLE0. For IMS TP calls, the module called for the second pass is DFSDLA30.

DFSDLA00 is also invoked by module DFSCPY30 to analyze the length of the I/O area that is being moved from the dependent region to the IMS area.


Module DFSDLA00 can use significant CPU in a heavy DL/I call environment. This does not necessarily indicate a problem. If the main function of the job or transaction is to make many IMS calls, this module will do its share of the work.

DFSDLA00 is divided into many subroutines. If CPU in this module appears to be excessive, rerun the Strobe report and specify DETAIL for this module. The IMS systems programmer should assemble this module and determine which subroutine is using the CPU.

Reference Sources

LJB6-1018-00 IMS/ESA Database Manager V3R1 Service Listings.