If your task is waiting on resource type FCTISUSP, is means that there are no VSAM transaction IDs available. Transaction IDs are retained by a task for the duration of a MASSINSERT session.

Waits on FCTISUSP should not be prolonged, and if your task stays suspended on this resource type, it could indicate any of the following:

  • There could be a system-wide problem. CICS could have stopped running, or it might be running slowly. Look up "Classifying the problem" in your CICS Problem Determination Guide if you suspect this.

  • There could be a performance problem. Check "Dealing with performance problems" in your CICS Problem Determination Guide.

  • The logic of your applications might need changing so that tasks do not retain VSAM transaction IDs for too long. If a task does other processing during the session, perhaps even involving input from an operator, code to release the VSAM transaction ID should be included each time.

Waiting on this resource can only occur for files accessed in non-RLS mode.