Using Management Reports

You can use Fault Analytics's Web Interface to view reports based on stored data.

Viewing a Report

To view Compuware's predefined management reports:

  1. In the Fault Viewer, select Reports. The Management Reports panel appears.

  2. Select a report from the Report Name column. Based on the reports you select, you can view various fault events from system to individual fault items:

    • Run Scheduled Reports to display reports that have been scheduled to run at a specific time.

    • You can click on a bar in the bar graph or the underscored year to open events broken down by program. This opens a pie chart that shows the top ten events by program.

    • You can drill down further by clicking on one of the pieces of the pie chart or one of the program name links in the list. this opens a report showing details for your selection.

    • You can drill down even further by clicking on the Event Type link (when available, in the first column). This opens a report screen showing even detail information for that particular event .

    • Also, from the Detail Report by Selected Program screen, you can add a note to an event. See Notes Editor for information on how to do this.

Fault Analytics Tool Bar Button Descriptions

When you move the cursor over one of the icons, a tool tip message will appear telling you what that icon represents.

Note iconNote: When viewing Fault Analytics reports using the Java viewer, tool tips are not displayed. This is a Java viewer restriction— the Java viewer does not allow mouse-over tool tips.

 Automatically updates the currently displayed report to reflect the period of data you choose from the drop-down list, rather than using the default settings established on the Default Parameters dialog box. For example, you may have a default setting to display the last full quarter of data but decide that, while currently viewing the report, you want to see just the last full month's data.

Works in conjunction with the Period field to allow you to select how the data is  broken down within the selected period. For example, if the Period is set to Last Full Month, you may want to set the Time Period field to Day so you can see your data by day within the month.

Allows you to change start time of the data in the report. The default start time is 12 a.m., which means that reports, by default, cover activity from 12 a.m.– 11:59 p.m. Choosing a different start time results in a corresponding 24-hour period, such as 8 a.m.– 7:59 a.m.

Custom Dates icon  Custom Dates: Allows you to set specific dates for the currently displayed report. The Period drop-down list has a number of time periods. However, if none of these meet your needs, you can choose any dates you wish by clicking the custom dates icon.

Adjust Timestamps icon  Adjust Timestamps: Opens the Adjust Timestamps dialog box where you can modify the current timestamp.

 Start Auto Update: Opens the Auto-Update Interval dialog box, which allows you to specify the frequency with which the currently viewed report should be refreshed. When you specify a frequency, the icon changes to and the amount of time remaining before the next update appears in the field. Click the icon again to turn off auto update; the time remaining changes to Off. By default, auto update is set to Off.

E-mail Report icon  E-mail Report: Opens the E-mail Report dialog box. On this screen you can specify who will receive the report (distribution list) and the template to use for the e-mail. When the e-mail is sent, it will include a link to  the selected report. This feature is available only if the E-mail Event Handler is installed and active. See E-mail Report for more information.

Schedule Report icon  Schedule Report: Allows you to schedule an e-mail notification on a regular basis to the designated distribution list with a link to the selected report. This is similar to E-mail Report except that the report notification is e-mailed on a regular basis.

Update Session Parameters icon  Update Session Parameters: Can be used if you want to update your parameters for the current session without changing the defaults in your Default Parameters dialog box. For example, your default time period for reports is This Month. However, for this session only, you would like your default time period to be Last Full Week. Change the Period drop-down list to Last Full Week and then click this icon. Any report you open will now use the Last Full Week time period until you log off the session. The next time you log on, your time period will change to the default.

drill into topic icon  Drill Into Topic: Allows you to specify a field from the drop-down list for drilling down into your report. The selection you make determines the information that will appear when you click on the links on this report page.

BIRT Tool Bar Button Descriptions

In addition to the buttons on the Fault Analytics Reports toolbar, there is a BIRT toolbar at the top of the report screen.

Toggle Table of Contents icon  Toggle Table of Contents: Turns on or off the Table of Contents for your report.

Run Report icon  Run Report: Opens the Parameter dialog box where you can change the parameters before running the report.

Export Data icon  Export Data: Opens the Export Data dialog box. After making your desired selections and clicking OK, your data will be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. You can open or save the file.

Export Report icon  Export Report: Opens the Export Report dialog box allowing you to export a report to another format: Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, or postscript or PDF. You can export the entire report or type specified pages to export. If you select PDF or postscript, you can specify actual size, fit to page width, or fit to whole page.

Print Report icon  Print Report: Opens the Print Report dialog box allowing you to select a print format: HTML or PDF. If you select PDF, you can specify actual size, fit to page width, or fit to whole page. You can print the entire report or type specified pages to print.

Determining Which Reports Are Being Used

A Fault Analytics log file tracks report usage so you can easily determine which reports are being used. For each report that has been accessed, the log lists the date and time accessed and the user who accessed it. To access the log, navigate to <COS install location>\server\cpwr\log/reportViews.log. By default, the COS install location is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Compuware\CWJBoss2.2.

Related Topics

Create a Report

Introduction to Management Reports

Fault Analytics Web Interface