Module DFSPR000 is the Program Request Handler in an IMS batch environment. It analyzes and validates call parameters, processes XRST, CHKP, and GSAM calls, and passes control to the IMS call analyzer DFSDLA00 via CSECT DFSBINT0 in the IMS batch nucleus module DFSBNUC0.

DFSPR000 is invoked by a branch from the language interface module DFSLI000. It initially sets up its processing environment and value fields in control blocks. If the IMS PARM field requested that IMS negate any user SPIE while in IMS code, the SPIE is negated. If the call is not CHKP, XRST, or for a GSAM PCB, control is passed to DFSBINT0.

On return from IMS, successful call processing is checked. If the call was successful, the I/O area, if any, is copied to the user's I/O area. If the SPIE was negated before the call to IMS, it is now restored. If the AIB interface was used, the IMS copy of the AIB control block is copied to the user copy.

The DL/I call is now marked as complete. If the data capture exit is to be invoked as a result of this call, it is invoked now. This exit might then issue additional IMS calls.


DFSPR000 should not normally use significant CPU in an IMS BATCH job. The potential exists, however, for significant CPU use when the NOSPIE PARM is specified, the calling application has a user SPIE, and the calling application makes a large number of DL/I calls. The CPU use in this module and in SVC 109 can be considerable.

The use of the AIB interface also adds extra processing. Use a standard IMS call if possible.

Reference Sources

LJB6-1018-00 IMS/ESA Database Manager V3R1 Service Listings.