Starting iStrobe

iStrobe can be started in one of two ways:

  • Via a system-generated email that notifies you when a requested profile has been downloaded.

  • By launching your Web browser and entering the iStrobe location in the address field.

Note: For quick access, save the iStrobe location as a favorite or bookmark in your browser. You can also create a desktop shortcut for iStrobe by dragging its address from the browser address bar to the desktop.

To Start iStrobe via Email Link

If you have requested, via Strobe, that a download notification email be sent when a profile has been downloaded, iStrobe can be started by clicking the link in the email you receive.

Note: Refer to the Strobe MVS User’s Guide for instructions on entering a user address in Strobe’s iStrobe Performance Profile Options panel so that an email is sent when a profile is downloaded.

iStrobe launches and displays the Measurement Session Data report for the given Profile.

To Start iStrobe by Launching Web Browser

To open a Profile independent of a download notification e-mail, launch your Web browser and enter the iStrobe location in the address field. iStrobe opens in the Web browser.


Related Topics

Manage Reporting Preferences

View a Profile