CICSPlex Service Time

The CICSPlex Service Time report groups the measured CICS regions and provides detail about all transactions observed during the measurement period, including the location and amounts of service time. All values reported are based on total time and count activity collected by Strobe. The report further identifies transactions by terminal and by user. Click the tabs to view statistics for the report.


Report details

CICS Region Summary tab

  • CICSPlex/Region identifies the plex as well as the measured regions within the plex.

  • LPAR identifies the LPAR in which the CICSPlex region was executing. Use the LPAR Filter field located on the report to filter by LPARs.

  • Total Count shows the total number of transactions for the profile.

  • Total Change TCB Modes shows the total number of times that the transaction was swapped between CICS kernel TCBs (for example, QR to L8, L8 to QR, etc.). A CICS task always starts and ends on the QR TCB and, depending on transaction definition and EXEC CICS calls, can be re-dispatched on another CICS TCB.

  • Mean Service Time (sec): Delay shows the dispatch delay time of the module name or command.

  • Mean Service Time (sec): Suspend shows the suspend time of the transaction, module, command, or resource.

  • Mean Service Time (sec): Exec shows the execution time of the transaction, module, command, or resource.

  • Mean service time (sec): Total shows the total time of the transaction.

Transaction tab

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction.

  • CPU % shows the percent of CPU time used by the transaction.

Click next to a Transaction to view additional detail:

  • Region shows the name of the region.

  • LPAR shows the LPAR in which the CICSPlex region was executing. Use the LPAR Filter field located on the report to filter by LPARs.

  • Count shows the number of times this transaction passed through the CICS address space over the duration of the measurement.

  • CPU % shows the percent of CPU time used by the transaction.

  • Change TCB Modes shows the number of times that the transaction was swapped between CICS kernel TCBs (for example, QR to L8, L8 to QR, etc.). A CICS task always starts and ends on the QR TCB and, depending on transaction definition and EXEC CICS calls, can be re-dispatched on another CICS TCB.

  • Mean Service Time (sec): Delay shows the dispatch delay time of the module name or command.

  • Mean Service Time (sec): Suspend shows the suspend time of the transaction, module, command, or resource.

  • Mean Service Time (sec): Exec shows the execution time of the transaction, module, command, or resource.

  • Mean Service Time (sec): Total shows the total time of the transaction.