DFSDBH20 is the OSAM Buffer Steal Routine. A buffer is "stolen" when all the buffers in the pool have active data in them and a buffer is needed for a new block.

OSAM has a very sophisticated buffer stealing algorithm with 10 levels to identify a buffer as a candidate for stealing, and up to 3 searches in the pool to find the "best" buffer to steal. If the buffer being stolen has been altered, DFSDBH20 will write the block. If another region is currently using the buffer being stolen, DFSDBH20 will wait for that region to free the buffer.


The amount of CPU used by module DFSDBH20 should always be very small, less than 1-2%. Any CPU use greater than this indicates that excessive OSAM buffer stealing is taking place and requires performance analysis of the OSAM buffer and subsequent implementation of performance improvements.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS DBSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.