IGG019BB synchronizes the execution of the channel program to that of the processing program. If the channel program has not yet completed processing, the module issues a WAIT macro instruction.

Basic sequential access method (BSAM) routines cause storage and retrieval of blocks of data. BSAM routines furnish device control, but do not provide blocking.

The members of a partitioned data set (PDS) are read and written using BSAM routines, where the directory is read and written using BPAM routines.


In an IMS batch job, high wait in IGG019BB indicates that the batch job is waiting for buffers and the wait for buffers is done in the log check routine waiting for I/O to complete and free a buffer.

For IMS prior to 3.1 and logging to 3480 tapes, allocate 5 log buffers and a 15K log block size.

For IMS 3.1, allocate 10 log buffers and a 32K block size.

Begin with these recommendations and then adjust the block size upward to see if you can improve performance.

Reference Sources

MVS/Extended Architecture SAM Logic, LY26-3967.