.FILEMGT is a pseudo-activity that groups file management activities. .FILEMGT includes the following:

  • catalog and index searches
  • open, close, and end-of-volume processing
  • other data management activities
  • execution of certain supervisor calls
  • execution of access method modules (modules that begin with IGG) where Strobe cannot identify the file being accessed (as with some BDAM and ISAM modules)
  • file access activities performed by IOS drivers that Strobe does not recognize


If the Resource Demand Distribution report indicates a significant amount of time in the Causing CPU Wait column, refer to the Wait Time by Module report. Check the SVCs in this report to ascertain in which file management activities the application is waiting. The SVCs might indicate excessive enqueues, OPENs/ CLOSEs to files, and tape activities such as EOF volume.

If the application uses a multivolume tape file, but only one tape drive is allocated, consider allocating another drive. If there are excessive OPENs/CLOSEs, check the Attribution of CPU Wait report to find what caused the SVC to be invoked. For example, perhaps the OPEN/CLOSE is performed within a program looping structure, rather than opening files at the beginning of processing and closing files at the end of processing. If this is the case, move the OPEN/CLOSE to a better place to eliminate excessive .FILEMGT activity.

Reference Sources

Strobe Interpretation and Analysis User Guide, Compuware Corporation.