If your task is waiting on either of resource types FCPSWAIT or FCSRSUSP, it means that it cannot get a VSAM string. FCPSWAIT shows that the wait is for a private string, and FCSRSUSP shows that the wait is for a shared resource string. You can purge the task from the system, if the task is purgeable.

For non-RLS mode, the number of strings defined for a VSAM data set (STRINGS parameter in the FILE resource definition) determines how many tasks can use the data set concurrently. STRINGS can have a value in the range 1-255. For RLS mode, strings are automatically allocated as needed up to a maximum of 1024. When all the strings are in use, any other task wanting to access the data set must wait until a string has been released.

If tasks are being caused to wait unduly for strings, consider whether you can increase the value of STRINGS, or change the programming logic so that strings are released more quickly.

An example of programming logic that can hold onto strings (and other VSAM resources) for too long is when a conversational transaction issues a STARTBR or READNEXT and then enters a wait for terminal input without issuing an ENDBR. The browse remains active until the ENDBR, and the VSAM strings and buffers are retained over the terminal wait. Also, for an LSR file, the transaction continues to hold shared control of the control interval and causes transactions that attempt to update records in the same control interval to wait.

Similarly, transactions hold VSAM resources for too long if a READ UPDATE or WRITE MASSINSERT is outstanding over a wait for terminal input.

Waiting on this resource can occur for files accessed in both RLS and non-RLS mode.