Using ThruPut Manager Web


The header in ThruPut Manager displays environment related information for the ThruPut Manager installation to which you are currently connected. It can be collapsed with the chevron on the right-hand side to only display the JEXPlex Name and Policy.

Overview Tab

The Overview tab allows for an overview of those jobs within the queue represented by a bar chart and gauge chart, whether that is under the General Services Queue or the Production Services Queue.

You can further drill-down to view charted details related to the following:

  • General Services Queue

  • Production Services Queue

  • Job History

  • Work Selection

The General Services Queue bar chart represents the jobs within the queue. The queue consists of adjacent Job Service Levels the jobs are moving through. Jobs will spend time in each Job Service Level as specified in the currently active SLM policy, which can be viewed in the header. As jobs enter the queue on the left (beginning with Minimum), the selection of jobs occurs by checking for jobs in each Job Service Level from the right (beginning at Critical). This means that as the job advances through the Job Service Levels, it will move from Minimum, to Target, to Acceptable, and finally to Critical. It will be more likely to be selected the further it has advanced. If more than one job exists in the Job Service Level when being selected, they are selected by most important first.

Each column represents a combination of delayed and non-delayed jobs. Delayed jobs will be a shade darker. Hovering over each bar will provide the counts for delayed, non-delayed, and total jobs in this Job Service Level. Colors range from grey (least severe), green, blue, and red (most severe) in each column, depending on how severe the column is considered. These columns can also be clicked to switch to the General Services Queue tab and filter the table to only show jobs within that bar. The delayed and non-delayed sections of the bar will filter those jobs separately.

Once a job is selected for execution, it will no longer appear within the ThruPut Manager web interface visualizations, but it may still be executing. It does not mean the jobs has completed.

  • Minimum - This is where jobs begin immediately after submission to JES. Jobs are never selected at Minimum. The time the jobs spend here is defined in the General Services section of the active policy and can be set to zero. This will be the minimum amount of time each job will spend in the queue before being selected.

  • Target - This includes Minimum + 1/4, + 2/4, and + 3/4 (the columns between Minimum and Target) in addition to the Target column. These jobs are moving through according to the Target aging rate specified in the active policy. This threshold is where jobs are expected to be selected for execution.

  • Acceptable - This includes Target + 1/4, + 2/4, and + 3/4 (the columns between Target and Acceptable) in addition to the Acceptable column. These jobs are moving through according to the Acceptable aging rate specified in the active policy. This threshold is where jobs have been queued longer than expected, but are still considered to be a reasonable amount of time.

  • Critical - This includes Acceptable + 1/4, + 2/4, and + 3/4 (the columns between Acceptable and Critical) in addition to the Critical column. These jobs are moving through according to the Critical aging rate specified in the active policy. Jobs in these Job Service Levels are generally considered to be a problem and the severity increases as it progresses to the fully Critical column.

Gauge Charts within General Services Queue

The first three gauge charts represent summaries for the Job Service Levels. For each chart, both the percentage of total jobs and the number of jobs are displayed. Each of these charts can be clicked on to change to the General Services Queue tab and filter the table to show only the jobs represented by that chart, as described below.

  • On Target or Better - This is the total number of jobs in the Target column or to the left. Ideally, most jobs will be in this category.

  • Acceptable or Better - This is the total number of jobs in the Acceptable column or to the left, but to the right of the Target column. The jobs that are considered On Target or Better are excluded from this count. While jobs will ideally not often reach this category, they are still being selected at a reasonable rate.

  • Beyond Acceptable - This is the total number of jobs to the right of the Acceptable column. It represents the four Critical columns. Ideally, jobs will not be progressing to this stage and this count should be zero or a small amount of your jobs.

Gauge Charts within Production Services Queue

The first three gauge charts represent summaries for the Job Service Levels. For each chart, both the percentage of total jobs and the number of jobs are displayed. Each of these charts can be clicked on to change to the Production Services Queue tab and filter the table to show only the jobs represented by that chart, as described below.

  • On Target or Better - This is the total numbers of jobs in the Target column or to the left. Ideally, most jobs will be in this category.

  • Between Target and Late - This is the total numbers of jobs to the right of the Target column, but to the left of the Late column. Jobs in the Target column or the Late column are not included in this count.

  • Late - This is the total number of jobs in the Late column. Ideally, jobs will not be progressing to this stage and this count should be zero or a small amount of your jobs.

Job History

The Job History chart contains historical information on the number of jobs in the queue within the last hour. This can be used to identify any trends in the number of jobs remaining in the queue at any given time.

Work Selection

The Work Selection chart contains historical information with regard to where jobs are being selected in the queue within the last four hours. This can be used to identify any trends from where jobs are being selected. If applicable, both the Production Services and General Services queues are shown. Clicking on the legend within the chart allows you to toggle between charts.

General Services Queue Tab

This tab displays the General Services Queue. The visualizations provide a quick view of where jobs are positioned in the queue. Each column in the chart represents the number of jobs in the Job Service position shown. Both delayed and non-delayed jobs are shown, but are shown separately with different shades.

The table below provides detailed information about each job. When viewing the table, jobs can be filtered in different ways. Using the filter icon to the top right of the table, you can filter on any text displayed in the table. Data can also be filtered by clicking on the visualizations above. Clicking on the pie charts will display jobs from that pie chart. Clicking on a column in the bar chart will filter only the selected jobs. The delayed and non-delayed jobs are filtered separately when filtering in this way.

Expanding a row will display the job detail information. If the job is delayed and being held by ThruPut Manager, the section causing the delay will be displayed first and highlighted in red to explain why it is being held. Only sections with relevant information for this job will be shown.

Report Details

  • Job Name - The name of the job under which the program or subsystem executed.

  • Job ID - The z/OS job ID assigned to the data set.

  • Owner ID - The owner of the job.

  • Control Center - This value, combined with Type, defines the General Service Group. This is used by the policy defined in ThruPut Manager to determine its aging and selection behavior.

  • Type - This value, combined with Control Center, defines the General Service Group. This is used by the policy defined in ThruPut Manager to determine its aging and selection behavior.

  • Batch Importance - The defined importance of the job within ThruPut Manager, valued from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important).

  • Job Service - The position of the job within the queue.

  • Status/Estimated Time To Selection - An estimate of when the job will be selected based on the current load and the job's service times. If the job is delayed, the report will list Delayed in red text instead.

Production Services Queue Tab

This tab displays the Production Services Queue. The visualizations provide a quick view of where jobs are positioned in the queue. Each column in the chart represents the number of jobs in the Job Service position shown. Both delayed and non-delayed jobs are shown, but are shown separately with different shades.

The table below provides detailed information about each job. When viewing the table, jobs can be filtered in different ways. Using the filter icon to the top right of the table, you can filter on any text displayed in the table. Data can also be filtered by clicking on the visualizations above. Clicking on the pie charts will display jobs from that pie chart. Clicking on a column in the bar chart will filter only the selected jobs. The delayed and non-delayed jobs are filtered separately when filtering in this way.

Expanding a row will display the job detail information. If the job is delayed and being held by ThruPut Manager, the section causing the delay will be displayed first and highlighted in red to explain why it is being held. Only sections with relevant information for this job will be shown.

Report Details

  • Job Name - The name of the job under which the program or subsystem executed.

  • Job ID - The z/OS job ID assigned to the data set.

  • Owner ID - The owner of the job.

  • Service Group - This is used by the policy defined in ThruPut Manager to determine its aging and selection behavior.

  • Batch Importance - The defined importance of the job within ThruPut Manager, valued from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important).

  • Job Service - The position of the job within the queue.

  • Status/Estimated Time To Selection - An estimate of when the job will be selected based on the current load and the job's service times. If the job is delayed, the report will list Delayed in red text instead.

Automated Capacity Management Page

Access this page by expanding ThruPut Manager on the side menu and selecting Automated Capacity Management. This page displays the following two reports:

CPC View Report Tab

The report on this tab displays the history for the Rolling 4-Hour Average (R4HA) and interval MSU consumption of the selected Entity (LPAR, LPAR Group, or LPAR Set) for the previous 8 hours. In addition to the LPAR itself, the Entity drop-down allows the selection of any LPAR Group or LPAR Set to which the current LPAR belongs. If the LPAR Set is defined as a CMP set, then the numbers provided will be the R4HA, the interval MSU consumption, and LPAR SET limit for the local CPC.

The chart shows the Entity limit along with the R4HA calculated for that Entity. For an LPAR or LPAR Group, soft capping will occur at the limit and the interval usage will not exceed the limit. However, if an LPAR set is used, then ThruPut Manager will attempt to reduce the interval usage as specified by the installation, but the usage may still exceed the limit. If no limit is displayed, that indicates that no limit was configured. ACM will only monitor the R4HA and will not take any action.

The chart also shows when a Capacity Level (1-5) is reached for any Entity. Capacity Levels are determined by a calculation of the current R4HA usage as a percentage of the capacity limit for the Entity, among other factors.

Any Capacity Level for the LPAR is reported by a red triangle at the bottom of the chart. Hovering over the red triangle displays a tooltip with additional information, including the Entity that triggered the Capacity Level. Clicking on the red triangle changes the chart to display data for that Entity.

If the usage of the currently selected Entity was used to determine that Capacity Level for the LPAR, then a marker on the R4HA line will also be displayed in addition to the red triangle. Hovering over this marker will also provide additional information.

Country Multiplex View (CMP) Tab

The report on this tab displays the R4HA and interval MSU consumption of the selected Country Multiplex Pricing (CMP) LPAR set. A CMP LPAR set combines the CPU usage of LPAR’s from multiple CPCs. The Multiplex Set drop-down allows the selection of any other defined Multiplex LPAR Set.

The CMP limit defined for the specified LPAR Set will be shown on the graph as a red dotted line. If none is displayed, that indicates that no limit was specified, and ACM is only monitoring that LPAR Set.

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