SVC 008

SVC 008 is a Type 2 SVC issued by a LOAD macro instruction. This macro gets LOCAL and CMS locks and calls program IGC008 in load module CSVLOAD. It ensures that a copy of the specified load module is in virtual storage, in the region, or job pack area if it was not preloaded into the link pack area.


CPU and wait percentages for SVC 008 should be low (less than 1%) except for very short steps (less than 1 minute). High processing or wait often indicates that modules are being repetitively loaded. To improve the performance of the application, use the attribution reports to find where the SVC is issued, and see if you can reduce this activity. For modules called more than once, be sure the module is linked as reusable. If possible, statically link-edit programs into a single load module to avoid dynamic loading.

Reference Sources

IBM z/OS MVS Diagnosis Reference

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Reference Vol. 2

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Reference Vol. 3