ILBOXDI is the COBOL library routine called by compiled code during a division operation (DIVIDE or COMPUTE). ILBOXDI divides a 60-digit floating point number by 30-digit floating point number to yield a 60-digit floating point result. The dividend and divisor are signed decimal integers, right-justified in their fields.

The quotient is in the 32-byte field following the divisor in the WORKING CELLS field of the TGT. The sign is determined by the rules of algebra from the dividend and the divisor signs. No remainder is returned.

ILBOXDI is called by compiled code when the intermediate result of an arithmetic operation exceeds the length specified for multiplication. It is also called by subroutine IL30XPRO.


Invoking ILBOXDI can result in excessive CPU use. Refer to the CPU attribution reports to determine which statement(s) called ILBOXDI.

Reference Sources

IBM OS/VS COBOL Subroutine Library Program Logic, LY28-6425.