DFSECP20 is the BMP Environment Control Program. Some functions, checkpoints, restarts, and GSAMs are processed all or in part by modules in the BMP region, as opposed to the IMS DL/I or Control Regions. DFSECP20 is the interface to these modules.

DFSECP20 is invoked by the program request handler DFSPR0X0. If the call is an XRST call and is a restart request, the extended restart module DFSZSR00 is invoked. If the call is a CHKP or SYNC call, the GSAM controller DFSZDC00 is invoked. If the call is an extended checkpoint, the extended checkpoint module DFSZSC00 is then invoked. If the call is for a GSAM PCB, the GSAM controller DFSZDC00 is invoked. All of these modules are in the BMP region. Control then returns to the program request handler.

DFSECP20 has one other function. If the NOSPIE option has been specified in the BMP PARM, DFSECP20 deletes any user SPIE. This module is also invoked by the program request handler for a second pass after the call is completed; if there was a user SPIE it will be restored.


DFSECP20 should not normally be a significant user of CPU in an IMS BMP job. There are two exceptions:

If the frequency of checkpoints is high, some CPU will be used in this module.

There is the potential for significant CPU use when the NOSPIE PARM is specified, the calling application has a user SPIE, and the calling application makes a large number of DL/I calls. The CPU use in this module and in SVC 109 could be considerable. Check to see if it is possible to remove the SPIE from the application, or to remove the NOSPIE parm and have the application handle the SPIE condition.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS SVSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.