DFSDPDM0 obtains storage for a PSB (Program Specification Block), DMB (Data Management Block), or PSB workarea from the DMB, PSB, or PSBW (Program Specification Block Work) buffer pool, respectively, or deletes a PSB or DMB from its pool. If the requested buffer is larger than the pool, a message is sent and a return to caller is made with a return code indicating the permanent shortage of space. Whenever a return from a buffer call is made without the request being satisfied, the failure is logged and a return code is sent to the caller.

A Program Specification Block controls the segments and fields that an application program can view and the operations that it can perform.

A Data Management Block, also known as the DBWP (Data Base Work Pool) is a database control blocks established in storage.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS SVSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.