Import or Export User Help

Import or Export allows you to import or export existing user help for either an iStrobe upgrade or for another iStrobe installation.

To import or export user help

  1. From the User Help section of iStrobe, click either Import or Export. The Import or Export User Help dialog box appears

  2. Type the file name to either import or export help.

Import your help by specifying the name of the file from which to import. The file must be in the following directory:

 ...<data folder>/istrobe/userhelp.


Export your help by specifying the name of the file to place the exported help.  The file will be created in the following directory:

 ...<data folder>/istrobe/userhelp.

If you want to overwrite existing files, click the Overwrite existing files check box.

  1. Click OK.

Related Topics

User Provided Help  for help with creating and managing user provided help.

Add a user help topic for help creating a new help topic within iStrobe.

Edit an Existing User Help for help editing the content of an existing user help topic.

Delete a User Help Topic for help deleting an existing help topic from your user provided help.

Upload User Help for uploading a topic created outside of iStrobe.